
3 Day Summer Filmmaking for Kids

300mins   8 +   

Mon 29, Tue 30 & Wed 31 July
10:15 - 15:15


This course is aimed at primary school age children, 8+, if you are interested something for older children, please take a look at the Summer Filmmaking for Teens course.

Are you the parent of the next Greta Gerwig or Wes Anderson? This workshop covers everything you need to know to make a simple short film. Over the 3 days children will learn the basics of film language; framing shots, editing a scene, and then have a go at making their very own short films using easily accessible kit such as smartphones. 

Although the course is geared towards using smartphones and tablets, to keep the technical barrier as low as possible, children are more than welcome to bring along their own digital cameras to film with if they wish*. Filmmaking is a social and collaborative medium so all children will also be expected to work in small groups. 

This course is led by Anthony Gates who, as well as being Depot's Education Manager, has had years of experience teaching film and filmmaking to children and teenagers.

*If your child does not have access to a smartphone, tablet or camera, that you are happy for them to use, don’t worry, we have a couple of devices available for our workshops.

This course is now full. If you'd like to be added to a waiting list please email [email protected]