

Food, Inc. 2

Dir: Robert Kenner, Melissa Robledo
Cast: Michael Pollan, Gerardo Reyes-Chavez, Eric Schlosser
94mins   2023   US   12A   English   

The groundbreaking Food, Inc. ignited a cultural conversation about the multinational corporations that control our food system at enormous cost to our planet, workforce, and health.

This sequel comes "back for seconds" to reveal how corporate consolidation has gone unchecked by our government, leaving us with a highly efficient yet shockingly vulnerable food system dedicated only towards increasing profits.

Seeking solutions, the film introduces innovative farmers, food producers, workers' rights activists, and prominent legislators such as U.S. Senators Cory Booker and Jon Tester, who are facing these companies head-on and fighting to create a more sustainable future.

'This is an engaging and watchable activist documentary that does make way for optimism in its last minutes' - Glenn Kenny,

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