
Rights of Nature, the next revolution?

100mins   PG   

Part of Climate Action! Festival 2024 - A post film panel discussion will consider the developing Charter for our local river with community initiative Love our Ouse, and speakers from the University of Sussex will discuss Rights of Nature projects they are working on and will report on Ecoforensics progress in Equador

Women's rights, civil rights, human rights…yet nature still has little legal standing in a court of law. With our ever urgent Climate and Nature crisis, there is an uprising around the world to give nature a voice and the same protections to live and thrive.

Join us for a specially curated selection of short films exploring the fast growing nature rights movement around the world from South America to the Arctic to Lewes UK.

Lead image credit: Sozapato and Ecoforensic CIC


Dr Joanna Miller Smallwood
Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Sussex

Mika Peck
Professor of Conservation Ecology (Ecology and Evolution), University of Sussex

Matthew Bird
Love our Ouse and Rights of River motion proposer

Films Screening

Rights of Nature
Equador | 18mins | Ecoforensics CIC

Water has a Memory
North America | 12mins | Lush Films

Cold Rights 
Arctic | 13mins | Susan Schuppli

Rights for the River Ouse
UK | 7 mins | Love our Ouse