

Six Inches of Soil

Dir: Colin Ramsay
Cast: David Morrissey, Adrienne Gordon, Anna Jackson
96mins   2024   UK   PG   English   

Part of Depot's Climate Action! Festival 2024: Includes post film panel discussion: Exploring Soil Health and Sustainable Agriculture

The inspiring story of British farmers standing up against the industrial food system and transforming the way they produce food - to heal the soil, benefit our health and provide for local communities.

Post Film Panel Discussion

Join us and our panel of experts - Antony Becvar from Little Goldsmiths Farm, Duncan Rawson from European Food and Farming Partnerships (EFFP), and Michael Kennard from Compost Club - for a dynamic discussion about sustainable farming practices and why soil health needs to be such a high priority?

This panel examines local farms utilizing small-scale sustainable practices. Can such methods realistically be scaled up to feed a rapidly growing global population to ensure future food security?