Celebrating Teachers

Celebrating Teachers

17 – 24 January 2023


As the new year begins, we’d like to invite you to celebrate those who inspire and support the next generation to be the best they can be, even during the most difficult of times – teachers.

Teachers do not only educate, they also provide guidance and nurturing, helping us to face personal challenges head on and reach our full potential.

 We present to you two rousing documentaries that consider key issues for educators – engaging and relating to students, revitalising the learning experience for young people, and awakening the desire to learn.

Young Plato charts the dream of Elvis-loving school headmaster Kevin McArevey – a maverick who is determined to change the fortunes of an inner-city community plagued by urban decay, sectarian aggression, poverty and drugs.

The all-boys primary school in post-conflict Belfast, Northern Ireland, becomes a hot house for thinking and questioning, as the headmaster encourages the children to see beyond the boundaries and limitations of their community, and sends his young wards home each day armed with the wisdom of the ancient Greek philosophers.

In a German city with a complex history of both excluding and integrating foreigners, Mr Bachmann and His Class focuses on a charismatic elementary school teacher providing his pupils, who all come from different countries, with the key to feeling at home in Germany and becoming citizens of the world.

After the screening of Young Plato, teachers and other educational professionals are invited to drop into the studio for some light networking, discussion on the film and its depiction of teaching, and maybe even a little ‘sharing of good practice’.

Free tickets for educators

We would like to offer all teachers and education providers the opportunity to watch Young Plato and Mr Bachmann and His Class for free

All you need to do is book your tickets online as usual, then arrive 15 minutes before your screening, with your ticket, and ask our box office staff for the education free discount, and they will refund your ticket for you on the spot.

Films in this season