Part of Rascals Film Festival 2025, organised by Small World Cinema
Cinemini events offer a moving image 'playground' with films and activities for children between 3-5 years old.
The programme gives children (and parents) the opportunity to discover the diverse world of film and experience the wonder and awe that the moving image can bring. By watching, playing and talking, we want to stimulate the development of creativity and critical thinking and spark a love for film.
How does it work? We begin each session by watching a programme of short films and talk about what we have seen. The films may be short animations, historic ‘silent movies’, experimental or documentary style films. The children are given a Bingo card with stills from the various films to help them engage with what they are watching. After the screening, the children are free to explore and play with colour, movement, light, and shadow in our specially designed film playground.
We conclude by showing the same films once more, enabling the children to draw a link between what they have watched and what they have experienced while playing. Children love repetition and learn from it.