

A Depot film strand shining a light on British Independent Cinema

Join us at Depot once a month for the latest in British Independent Cinema. We will be handpicking films that show the diversity and skill present across the industry – and inviting the filmmakers and actors themselves to join us and provide first hand personal insight into the process of making a film.

Our specific focus will be on uncovering gems that may find it harder to compete in the distribution landscape – films under the radar, the true independents. We know that 131 British films started shooting during Jan – Sep 2024, with a total production spend of £1.8 billion. There are lot of films being made, but what we see in the cinema is the tip of the iceberg. Together, let’s dive deeper and explore.

Films screening as part of Homegrown will be added to this page as soon as they go on sale.

Upcoming Screenings

Last Swim

Tuesday 8 April, 17:40
Includes a Q&A with director Sasha Nathwani and lead actor Deba Hekmat

Ziba is an ambitious and brainy young Londoner. Proud of her Iranian heritage, she is conscientious and sensible but also indulges in a certain romantic nihilism. Perhaps this is because of her passion for astronomy, or perhaps because she longs for happier times.

Although she is the only member of her close-knit friendship group to attain good results in the end-of-school exams, she is struggling to remain optimistic. She and her friends want to spend the day together in the hot summer London and witness a unique celestial event.

Secretly, Ziba is planning an irreversible step that – in her mind – will give her back control over her life. Caught between a deep passion for being alive and an overwhelming desire to end the pain and fear of her current reality, Ziba must learn to let go of her adolescent dreams and cope with uncertainty.

If you would like information about the content of this film, including potentially triggering material, please click here for guidance from the BBFC