New Note Orchestra

Performed by the New Note Orchestra, A Sense of Place is a documentary with live orchestral sound track.

All of us have our favourite places; locations that have meaning for us or perhaps some special memories. For the musicians in recovery from addiction that make up New Note Orchestra, it’s different.

For them, so many locations that have been important in their lives are linked to when, in the throes of addiction, the next drink or the next fix were their most pressing concern.

A new 45 minute documentary A Sense Of Place, filmed and edited by Hugh Fox and Laura Seymour, features members of the orchestra reflecting on places that are important to their recovery. It brings alive their courageous journeys and celebrates the peace and joy of well-being. The music has been composed by the orchestra members in conjunction with artistic director Conall Gleeson.

In this deeply moving film, five New Note Orchestra members are found reclaiming the spaces and locations that were once a backdrop to their self-destructive habits but now have very different meanings for them.



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A Sense of Place

Nick chooses a spot on the South Downs where he used to come and take drugs. Now clean, having reclaimed the space, it has become a meditative haven for him, a place where he can commune with nature and measure the distance he has travelled since becoming clean.

As with so many others, New Note Orchestra has aided Roger’s recovery from drink and drugs by reconnecting him to his love of music and providing him with all-important sense of community. Now, wherever he is in the world, he picks up his guitar and finds himself in a place that is both safe and vibrantly alive.

For Pat, a recovering alcoholic, the entire city of Brighton where he was once homeless is a brand new place now, seen through sober eyes. It is a city transformed. Once dark and threatening, the city is now peaceful and tranquil; a happy place.