
Not A Rock-Doc

Includes a Q&A with director Stephen Parsons hosted by novelist, comedy writer and critic David Quantick This fast moving and dynamic film explores an iconic band's journey from the highs of their resurgence to the utter depths of their struggle...

Dir: Stephen Parsons, Anke Trojan
Cast: Stephen Parsons, Chris Spedding
87mins 2023 UK 18 English

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This is an Everybody Friendly screening Nightclub sensation Velma murders her philandering husband, and Chicago's slickest lawyer, Billy Flynn, is set to defend her. But when Roxie also winds up in prison, Billy takes on her case as well, turning her into...

Dir: Rob Marshall
Cast: Catherine Zeta-Jones, Richard Gere, Renée Zellweger
113mins 2002 US | Germany 12A English

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This is an Everybody Friendly screening An orphan in a facility run by the mean Miss Hannigan, Annie believes that her parents left her there by mistake. When a rich man named Oliver "Daddy" Warbucks decides to let an orphan...

Dir: John Huston
Cast: Aileen Quinn, Carol Burnett, Albert Finney
127mins 1982 US U English

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