18 August – 2 September

Depot has celebrated a successful launch weekend for Artwave – the annual festival of artists and makers from Lewes, Seaford, Newhaven and surrounding villages.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the festival and a number of colour-themed events took place over the weekend. Opening Artwave’s art and film strand, yesterday (Saturday 18 August) Depot screened Krzysztof Kieslowski film Three Colours: Blue, starring Juliette Binoche, to a sellout audience. Preceding the film, art historian Alexandra Loske gave a free illustrated talk on the history of colour and our special relationship with the colour blue, introduced by Jackie Blackwell, Lewes District Council manager for arts and tourism. The event proved so popular that it was necessary for Dr Loske to repeat her lecture to a second sellout audience.

Depot’s open exhibition, Blue, featuring work from artists old and young across the district, was opened to the public following a well attended private view. Depot’s marketing manager, Dino Bishop, congratulated the artists present for their achievement in being selected from over 150 entrants. Pieces were chosen by a panel of judges to represent a diversity of ages, levels of experience and media.

Today, (Sunday), a free drop-in workshop for children took place; Deborah Manson welcomed children of all ages to create paper cut-out collage inspired by the colour blue, using hand painted and patterned papers prepared especially for the workshop.

Throughout the weekend, and for the next two weeks, visitors were able to explore possibly the most attention-grabbing contribution to the Artwave festival; The Blue House, a three storey high temporary art installation constructed in Depot’s walled garden by artists Robert Moore and Sebastian Pedley.

On Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 September, artist Peter Bushell will be hosting life drawing sessions with the theme of blue.

Join the Lewes Artwave trail and discover a wealth of artists and makers around the town. Depot’s Blue exhibition is open on 25/26 August and 1/2 September, 10:00 – 18:00. The Blue House is open daily, 10am – sunset.